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01 de abr. de 2023
In Discussões gerais
All this fact points to the same thing that Digital Marketing experts fervently suggest if the tone and values ​​of the brand are not related to the fight for certain social causes, companies should stay out of it. Otherwise, it is counterproductive. In other words, it is valid to take a position as long as it corresponds to the values ​​of the organization and the main intention is none other than to help a specific fight. Each of the Digital Marketing strategies designed must be aligned with clear and specific objectives. In the case of Ona Saez , this oversight led to the rejection of many people committed to and identified with the complaint by actress Thelma Fardín. This being a sensitive issue that continues to generate great commotion inside and outside the country. Plan to deal with the crisis in social networks what to do executive email list after the mistake? Brands must recognize and assume the errors in their campaigns. A case with as much impact as the one analyzed is a call to action for the company's crisis management team, in order to stabilize the situation and safeguard the reputation of the brand. Said crisis management team will necessarily be made up of the Head/owner of the company, a representative of the legal team and a member of the marketing team or press department. Although the number of members may vary depending on the size of the organization. PUTTING THE PLAN INTO ACTION THE ACTION Faced with a situation of this type, the brand must first of all humanize itself and offer a sincere apology. You can also explain that the money raised is going to be donated or assume the mistake by removing the t-shirts from the sale, as Ona Saez did. The brand issued a statement, where it apologized for the mistake and clarified that its intention was not to be opportunistic, much less insensitive, but to raise its voice to denounce these abuses. It is essential, then, to evaluate and clearly define what has happened Why did this happen? What is the scope? In order to identify the decisions that must be made and the actions that must be implemented immediately.
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